生物基和生物分解塑料的价值定位-目前技术、法规和标准,Ramani Narayan,密西根州立大学 The Value Proposition for Biobased and Biodegradable Plastics– Current Status of Technology, Regulations, and Standards, Ramani Narayan, Michigan State University
北美地区可堆肥塑料的最新进展,Steve Mojo,美国生物分解塑料研究院 The latest developments in Compostable Products in North America, Steve Mojo, BPI
中国生物基材料与降解塑料现状,翁云宣,中国塑协降解塑料专委会 The status of biobased and biodegradable plastics in China, Yunxuan Weng, DPC
如何推进二氧化碳基塑料商业化应用,王献红,中科院长春应化所 Can CO2 Copolymer be Viable Biodegradable Plastics? Xianhong Wang, Chang Chun Institute Of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy Of Sciences
欧洲可堆肥塑料认证及市场进展,Miriam Sahl, DIN CERTCO Certification of compostable and/or biobased products, Miriam Sahl, DIN CERTCO
生物可分解合膠製品商品化應用技術,黃鈺凱,台灣銘安科技公司 The technology of biodegradable plastics, Yukai Huang, Taiwan Mingan Sci. Co.